Flight #1: Loc Big Nuke on a AT K805G.
Launch was straight up, good boost no issues. Dual deploy worked perfectly and the rocket landed in the beans just north of the field. Tracker worked perfectly too.
Flight #2: 3x Goblin on an AT I357 motor. Expected altitude was 2400 feet. Launch and recovery with Chute release worked great. Altus-Metrum Tracker led me directly to the rocket which was in the beans again.
Flight #3: 3" Punisher on a AT K805G. Boosted to 10,662 feet and Mach 1.3. Landed about 1 mile west of the launch site. Tracker worked perfectly again.
Flight #4: Loc Big Nuke on a AT K700.
Launch was good - slight tilt into the wind, Recovery system worked perfectly. Recovered about 400 meters from the launch site. Apogee of 5400 feet. Could see the rocket the entire flight.